01 January 2009

If NASA Can Do It, So Can I

My inner corporate American demands a mission statement. But, libraries and public schools and NASA have mission statements, too, so they can't be all that bad.

I want to write and I enjoy frivolity. I'm slowly growing accustomed to a life post-academia, and to the ideas that come with this life. Productivity is not limited to finishing revising a piece of short fiction for the fourteenth time, or deluding myself into thinking I have the stamina for a novel before my mid-forties.

I want to write and I enjoy writing. Rolling words across my tongue and the pads of my fingers, playing, sculpting. I'd like to break myself of the habitual thought that a sentence written without express purpose is a sentence wasted, or that I somehow must return to every well crafted sentence again and again until I've made something more of it. I don't expect this project to be necessarily fruitful in the ways I've come to think of success and fruitfulness as a writer. But as the subtitle suggests, enjoyment is also a fruit.

This isn't a workshop, it's a sandbox. Let's get gritty.

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